Aya was featured in the February Empowered & Poised Newsletter

Aya Garcia Shlachter is the founder and driving force behind MGS Global LLC, an Architectural Design and Support Services Company. Aya is also the founder of Tablea Chocolate, a Philippine-based chocolate company with a global mission to introduce Filipino chocolate to the world as well as promote and empower local cacao-growing communities. 

What makes Aya Empowered & Poised? As a female entrepreneur, wife and mother, Aya is a hands-on mom and makes it a priority to spend quality time with her family. She believes that maintaining a work-life balance is key to health and happiness in life. 

Check out the Life of an Empowered & Poised Female Blog HERE!

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12630cookie-checkAya was featured in the February Empowered & Poised Newsletter