Navigating Project Spikes in Hospitality Design

Anyone who’s a part of the architecture, interior design, or hospitality industry and didn’t attend the HD (Hospitality & Design) Expo in Las Vegas earlier this month definitely missed an invaluable opportunity. The HD Expo is the leading conference in the aforementioned industries for networking and product sourcing, as well as the number one place to gain insight into what trends are taking the lead this year.

So what is trending in the world of hospitality and design for 2018?

One word: Hotels.

The rapid pace of development within the hotel industry was a hot topic at this year’s HD Expo. According to the Industry Facts Report for Q1 2018 from Lodging Economics, the 2018 forecast for new hotel openings is over 22,000 rooms in the top 5 cities (New York, Dallas, Nashville, Houston, and Atlanta) alone. They state, “US demand for leisure and business (transient, group meeting, and convention) travel accommodations has continued to rise with growth in demand outpacing supply through the first quarter of 2018.”

A booming hotel industry obviously means booming business for architects and designers alike. But, as the previous quote alludes to, what happens when the industry continues to accelerate and the expected delivery times get shorter and shorter? Plenty of work to go around is appreciated in any industry, but how can all the firms out there hire and train up enough employees for the short delivery spans that are rapidly becoming a necessity?

Even more troubling, how can the firm afford to retain all of these extra employees once the boom recedes? Essentially, what can you do to effectively handle these kinds of spikes in your business?

The simple answer to all of these questions is this: Support services that provide an organic extension of your team, allowing your business to rapidly shrink or expand as needed.

With ever-increasing options for a globalized and technologically united workforce, this kind of support via an expansion team is becoming the new standard in business. From textiles to IT to administration, all sorts of industries are looking further outside the conventional hiring box than ever before. Sometimes it’s to cut costs, and sometimes it’s to expand into a new realm of experience and skills…but one of the most useful aspects of support services is that they provide skilled workers on a contract basis to fulfill inconsistent and ever-changing business needs.

Contract support services are also the definitive answer to the problem posed by the current boom in hotel design and development; it provides the skilled individuals that architectural and design firms are in desperate need of quickly and efficiently, yet without the extensive time investment required to locate and hire more full-time staff. Then, when a project is complete and its necessity comes to an end, it cleanly withdraws those individuals and mitigates the need for any messy layoffs or severance.

As support services are still a developing concept in the field of architecture and design, there aren’t a great number of providers for these kinds of expansion teams yet. However, at the forefront of this movement stands MGS Global, delivering exactly this style of vital support to architectural and design firms in times of need. Specializing in the hospitality and retail industries, MGS Global is especially well-poised to boost productivity and delivery for firms in this period of a thriving hotel development industry.

MGS Global has worked on many hospitality projects with a varied clientele, ranging from small boutique hotels to some of the largest Luxury hotel brands worldwide. For those in need of a fast solution to the short staff and unachievable deadlines, check out MGS Globaland take a huge weight off your shoulders.

Have you ever tried using contracted support services for your business before?

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with Steph Shinabery

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