MGS Global Group's Team Appreciation Weekend

Commonly accepted as fact in today’s business world is the idea that hard work, commitment, and dedication are important keys to running a successful enterprise. However, recently the idea that balance and employee interconnection are not only complimentary to these keys, but vital to maintaining high productivity, is rapidly becoming a confirmed truth as well.

Which is why MGS Global took a little time this summer to have some fun together.

For the company, this was a great opportunity to appreciate their employees and to foster real employee empowerment. For the team members, it was a chance to form new bonds and get to know one another on a personal level, away from the busy daily work environment. Besides, who would turn down the prospect of escaping the hot July in town for a fun weekend at the beach?

So the entire company packed up and headed for a couple of days at the beach, bound for a weekend filled with not only food and fun, but some inspirational activities that served to build stronger bonds for everyone in attendance.

The weekend kicked off with a warm welcome from Principal Aya Shlachter, who spent a little time talking to her team about the company’s mission, core values, and visions for the future. After Aya got things up and rolling, the weekend seemed to glide right by in a flurry of activity.

There were plenty of team building exercises, such as a Sand Castle Competition where teams were challenged to create a concept castle based on the Three Pillars (Design, Technical, and Administration) and Four Towers (team work, creativity, adaptability, and self-actualization) that MGS Global was founded upon.

There was plenty of fun to be had over the weekend. The team got to embark upon a huge two-story raft that ventured into the open bay loaded with privately catered food and drinks. There were endless canoe and paddle board rentals, and sunset cocktails on the beach followed by a lavish seafood dinner. The team was even treated to a historic private tour of the local city, a truly fantastic way for people passionate about architecture and design to round out their weekend getaway.

When everything was said and done it turned out to be a truly memorable experience for everyone in attendance. The entire team finished the weekend feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, and ready to move forward with a new, inspired energy. The event was such a smashing success that MG Shlachter plans to use this event as a launching point to begin an annual tradition, one that will support and reinforce their dedication to their exceptional team.

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