Celebrating Women in Architecture

I’m honored and humbled to be featured on the American Institute of Architects Cleveland Facebook page for my work and in leadership in the architecture and business sectors. Thank you AIA for the feature.

Here are the questions that they asked me and my answers.

What aspects of architecture are you passionate about?

I have always been passionate about construction detailing and construction administration. I think technical detailing and knowledge of materials and methods of construction are essential to architecture. I only wish that architecture schools would give more importance to technical detailing and not only design.

What it means to be a woman in this profession:

Women are often times underestimated in the field of architecture, but that’s okay. Like everybody else, we need to work hard, stay focused and never stop learning. In the end, our work will always prevail regardless of our gender.

What is your advice for other women in the profession:

My advice for women in architecture who plan to take the big leap, whether it is opening their own practice or starting a new position, believe in yourself and do it! If your goal is comfort then your result will be mediocrity. You have to step out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself constantly. A rubber band only holds things together when it is stretched.

 AIA WIA Mission Statement

“AIA Cleveland WIA+ aspires to educate, advocate, and empower on matters of:
Gender equity in our profession | Visibility and influence of women architects and designers | Leadership and mentorship of all members”

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with Sara Kolata

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