Inspiration for Creative Entrepreneurs

Greyt Big Talk, one of Greyt Culture’s creative programs, is a multi-disciplinary creative lecture & podcast series that seeks to inspire emerging artists and entrepreneurs. It is founded by Thomas Fox, a multi-disciplinary creative producer who continually delivers world-class cultural programs with a vast history of curating raw and rising creative talent.

For Greyt Big Talk’s October 14th 2022 event, my good friend Aimon Ali (Fashion Influencer and founder of Fashion Talks) was the guest speaker. 

The event was held at Studio Pop Shell and was attended by approximately 60 people. 


Behind the Greyt Talk

Event Recap

For a creative person like me, the Greyt Big Talk with Aimon Ali was such an inspiring experience. I felt at home as soon as I entered the venue which was filled with creatives from the music, film, design, and fashion industries. Everyone present, including myself, seemed to be in their element because the interactions all felt natural.

I made the most of my Friday morning by spending the first 30 minutes of the event socializing with other creatives over coffee and breakfast. I was with my fellow Filipina creative entrepreneur, Jing Lauengco of Other Brown Girl, Jing Inc., and host of the Next Thing With Jing podcast. 
Around nine in the morning, live performances began, setting the mood for the occasion. Three individuals gave a 30-second pitch followed by Aimon Ali. In the four years that she has been in Cleveland, she improved the local fashion scene. She organized an elevated fashion show at the Cleveland Art Museum that amazed everyone in the industry.

In the beginning Aimon was a bit culture-shocked when she moved to Cleveland from Toronto. She had been working in the fashion industry and had a busy social life in Toronto to moving to Cleveland and starting over. Now she is thriving here.

She emphasized how Cleveland has a lot to offer. There are many outstanding world-class artists here. She visited New York Fashion Week and realized that Cleveland designers could compete with those from New York. She then made it her mission to create a Cleveland Fashion Week and promote Cleveland internationally.


Me with Thomas and Jing

Key Takeaways

Aimon’s message resonated deeply with me.

I was a little culture-shocked when I first arrived in Cleveland in 2012. However, after a few years of settling in, I found that Cleveland has a lot to offer. Aside from the excellent quality of life, meeting brilliant individuals that inspired me and eventually became my lifelong friends allowed me to grow and thrive both personally and professionally.

For my company, moving the corporate headquarters to Cleveland was a strategic decision for MGS Global Group. Being in the Midwest made it simple for me to visit my clients on the East and West Coasts. This decision was a factor in helping me to scale my business.
There is definitely a lot more to learn from Aimon, so if you want to hear more from her, you can listen to our conversation on Architect My Life podcast. Catch our episode that will be released in November 2022!

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