Launching Success with MGS' Office Inauguration Event

After months of planning, design, and preparation, MGS opened the doors to its new office space on August 11, 2023. The team has worked tirelessly to create an environment that cultivates creativity, productivity, and a sense of belonging. From countless number of revisions to dedicated brainstorming sessions, every inch of our new office reflects our collective vision, values, and objectives.

This new office was a necessary step for our continued growth and expansion. 

Aya Shlachter, our CEO, kicked off the event. With heartfelt words, she spoke about challenges overcome, the dreams we have nurtured and the exciting prospects that lie ahead. Guests also got to wander through our new office, and admire the design accents and branding themes. Naturally, no inauguration is complete without a celebration. Laughter and the clinking of glasses filled the air as everyone mingled and danced joyfully.

Aya Shlachter at the MGS Inauguration Party
Aya Shlachter kicking off the inauguration party

This office inauguration wasn’t just about celebrating the present; it was a promise for the future. As we move forward, MGS is committed to utilizing this space to nurture ideas, cultivate talent, and realize our goals. The inauguration served as a reminder that this office is more than just walls and furniture—it’s a canvas for collaboration and ambition. 

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