
WLS Workshop: Become a Financially Successful Firm – Recap

I am extremely grateful to have been selected as a speaker, along with my co-presenter Rachel Clingman, at this year’s AIA Women’s Leadership Summit in Boston. Many people often ask me about how I have grown my business, and this workshop gave me the opportunity to share my journey and offer practical advice to fellow women architect-entrepreneurs.

In our workshop titled ‘Growing Into a Financially Successful Firm: Unlocking Strategies and Mindsets,’ we explored essential strategies and mindsets for success. It was an engaging session where I shared my personal formula for success: Leadership + 3 Ps (People + Process = Profit).

We covered a variety of topics, including the importance of strong leadership as the foundation of a successful business, the use of design thinking methodologies to streamline decision-making, the significance of both people and processes in building a profitable business, and the role of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and the Stage Gate Methodology in the growth process.

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who attended our workshop, and I want to give a special mention to Jing Lauengco and Luciana Triplett for their support and assistance in facilitating the workshop. And of course to Rachel Clingman for leading the workshop and activities with me. It was truly an honor and pleasure to present alongside such amazing women in architecture.

I would also like to extend my thanks to The American Institute of Architects (AIA) for providing us with the opportunity to share our stories, voices, and experiences!

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