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Podfest Multimedia Expo 2024: The Power of Podcasts and Podcasting

When the covid pandemic hit, my business took a big hit and the work pipeline was quickly diminishing, podcasts became my go-to source of inspiration. 

One podcast, in particular, had a profound impact on me – Katie Krimitsos‘ “Meditation for Women” on Money Mindset. With 10 full-time employees, I was super stressed about how to keep everyone employed. 

Reflecting on this period, I can’t help but contemplate the incredible journey that has brought me to where I am today in the world of podcasting.


During 2007, my husband, Larry, introduced me to ‘This American Life’ (TAL). I found them to be the perfect companions during long drives. I was instantly captivated by the on-demand nature of podcasts.

My first meeting with a podcaster was in 2018 when I encountered Jim Cirillo, the host of ‘JimJim’s Reinvention Revolution’ podcast, in a co-working space. The following year, I had the privilege of meeting Todd, the CEO of Blubbry Podcasting and a respected figure, and was inducted into the Podcast Hall of Fame in 2015. 

Todd Cochrane of Blubbry Podcasting and Aya Shlachter at Geek News Central
Todd Cochrane of Blubbry Podcasting and Aya Shlachter

From Listeners to Hosts: The Birth of ‘Architect My Life’ Podcast

The year 2020 brought a turning point when Jim introduced me to Josh Elledge, a key player in the launch of my own podcast, ‘Architect My Life.’ Despite being hesitant at first because I was shy, I embraced the opportunity to amplify the voices of influential women in architecture.

From L to R: Lisa Sands of 'CLE Foodcast’, David Allen Moss of ‘Evergreen Podcasts’, Me, Jing Lauengco of 'The Next Thing with Jing'
"Architect My Life" First Poster

Fast forward to 2022, I became a panelist on ‘How to Start your Podcast’, moderated by David Allen Moss. Sharing the stage with amazing fellow podcasters Jing Lauengco of ‘The Next Thing with Jing’ podcast and Lisa- host of ‘CLE Foodcast’ podcast.

From L to R: Lisa Sands of 'CLE Foodcast’, David Allen Moss of ‘Evergreen Podcasts’, Me, Jing Lauengco of 'The Next Thing with Jing'

The following year, I had the pleasure of meeting Chris Krimitsos during his Cleveland PodTour, celebrating the 10th-year anniversary of Podfest Multimedia Expo Expo. It was an incredible opportunity to connect with fellow podcast enthusiasts and creators. I also had the chance to meet David Jackson of School Of Podcasting.

Aya Shlachter and Chris Krimitsos during his Cleveland PodTour
Aya Shlachter and Chris Krimitsos at the Cleveland PodTour

This 2024, I’ve had the opportunity to meet amazing people at the Podfest Multimedia Expo‘s 10th-year anniversary expo,. With over 2000 podcasters, I’ve learned a lot about everything related to #podcasting. Meeting inspiring individuals and fellow podcasters who courageously share their stories, impacting lives just as they have impacted mine, has been truly rewarding. 

Shoutout to Chris Krimitsos and the whole team for putting on such an outstanding event!

Through this platform, I not only had the opportunity to share the inspiring narratives of others but also to recount my personal experiences. Consequently, I started gaining recognition from potential clients, and my architecture drafting business, MGS Global LLC, began to attract attention. Presently, we have expanded our team to a group of 40 individuals! The world of podcasting has been an incredible tool, bringing transformation to both my life and business. 

So, here’s the bottom line: podcasts are not just entertainment or background noise. They’re powerful tools for change, growth, and connection. 

If you’re curious about diving into the world of podcasting yourself, don’t be shy! Shoot me a message, and let’s chat. Because trust me, the world needs more voices like yours. Let’s make some magic happen together!

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