Greenbuild International Conference and Expo

Hey everyone,

Mike George and I are happy to announce that we’ll be attending the 2019 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo!

As you may know, in today’s world, “sustainability” and “going green” aren’t just buzzwords. Our lives are aligned with the future of the planet and how we take care of it. And at Greenbuild, we are reminded that our success as sustainability professionals is more than just a movement. It’s our responsibility to ourselves, our families, and our society.

As someone who promotes sustainability in the built environment, this event will bring immense value not only to myself, but to all those who attend, apply the concepts that are discussed, and continue to nurture relationships with the people they meet at the conference. 

Here’s why we think this event will bring us immense value in 2019 and beyond.

What Is It?

Greenbuild International Conference and Expo is the largest annual event in the world for green building professionals. It’s a place where we learn and source the latest technologies that improve sustainability and quality of life in our communities, cities, and buildings. 

Each year, thousands of building professionals unite on a mission to raise the standard for everyone in the industry by choosing to put green first.

It’s a place where we are inspired, relationships are formed, knowledge is transferred, and the leaders that will shape the next generation of partnerships, policies, and standards come together in the hopes of increasing the standard of living for all.

Why I’m attending

Education around the topic of sustainability moves at a rapid pace. At the conference, 82% of the issues discussed are brand new and had never been presented before. And probably one of the most important reasons why I need to attend is because all of this information is exclusively available on-site.

This year, the expo hall will also include over 300 companies that are showcasing innovative products that tackle our most pressing challenges. For us, this is an opportunity to find creative solutions that will help us achieve our goals, while at the same time, focusing on improving resilience, vitality, and individual health and wellness in our company’s projects and community spaces.

Keynotes I’m excited about

Every year, the conference hosts world-renowned keynote speakers that not only inspire us but bring forth fresh content with practical ideas. This year, we’re excited to hear from the following speakers:

  • Barack Obama: 44th president of the United States of America (2009-2017)
  • Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd: host of The Weather Channel’s Award-Winning show, “Weather Geeks,” and a leading international expert in weather and climate change.
  • Jasmine Crowe: creator of Goodr, a tech-enabled sustainable food waste management company with a goal to eliminate hunger and reduce food waste.
  • Jaime Margolin: the founder and co-executive director of Zero, an international youth climate justice movement that led the first “Youth Climate March” in Washington, D.C., and 25+ cities all around the world during the summer of 2018.


The Greenbuild International Conference will take place on November 19-22, 2019 in Atlanta Georgia, at the World Congress Center. If you’d like to learn more, you can read about it here.

We can’t wait to go there, so stay tuned for our next blog post, where I’ll share with you all of my experiences and key takeaways from the conference.

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